Saturday, July 9, 2011


So I missed my run yesterday due to waking up at 2am and not falling back asleep till after 5am. This meant instead of getting up at 6 or so to go run I slept in (so I wouldn't feel cruddy on my date with my hubby) until 7:30. I had to be ready for the air conditioning guys to show up at 8:30 so there was just no time for a run. But last night Mike and I bought a new Wii instead of getting our old one fixed. It was only $60 more to buy a new one and it just wasn't worth it to send our old one back and wait 6 weeks. That and I watched a friend's cats for a week and she decided to pay me for it. So what all this means is I got to do an EA Sports Active 2 workout today. It kicked my butt but felt good. Tomorrow Mike and I are supposed to hike.

Now I won't have any days off from working out. A hike on Sundays, run or walk Monday, Wednesday and Friday and EA Active on Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday. But the EA active will mostly be cross training. So we will see how I do with all that. I will wait to start my official EA active 9 week program for a bit just to see how I do working out everyday. That way I can chose full body, core or upper body for workouts and skip lower body and cardio workouts for now. Though I might try some cardio if I can find one that isn't all running and lower body. Something with kick boxing would be nice. That way every other day I am mostly resting half my body. Hopefully I don't kill myself. We shall see. I am very excited!

I may switch my EA active days and my running days. That will depend on if I get a job soon. If I do get a full time 9 to 5 job I will need to do short workouts on weekdays and leave my long walk/run for Saturday. Still very excited for getting really back in shape! Oh yeah, and I weighed myself of the Wii Fit board today (which I haven't done for 29 days) and I was 2 pounds lighter even though I was so bad yesterday on food. *BOUNCE*

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